Intelliarts stands with Ukraine in its resistance against the Russian full-scale invasion

Creating value by reinforcing companies with innovation

Intelliarts is an Eastern European provider of technology consulting and software engineering services. By building full-cycle data-driven and ML-powered solutions, we help companies around the globe expand digital transformation initiatives and engineering capabilities. Book a call
Top Article: Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing
Check a go-to guide for predictive maintenance in manufacturing. Learn what it is, how it works, its trends, and real-life examples. Read more
White Paper: Machine Learning for Insurance Business
Explore various use cases of machine learning across the insurance value chain to beat the competition. Get your copy

Services We Offer

Technology Consulting
Seek a technology consulting partnership to solve complex business challenges related to strategy, design, development, deployment, and maintenance. Every business is becoming tech-savvy with Intelliarts.
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AI Development
Apply data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to help customers drive innovation, reduce human error, automate repetitive tasks, and ease the workload for existing resources.
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Data Engineering
Build robust and scalable data pipelines, secure the groundwork for data collection and analysis, and bring your data management to an entirely new level with the trusted AI development partner.
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Research & Development
Use innovative technologies and modern approaches so your company could work better, explore emerging tech trends, and create cutting-edge software.
Software Engineering
Benefit from state-of-the-art software engineering services across various technology stacks and industries. With our drive and deep industry knowledge, turn your boldest business ideas into successful commercial products.
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Industries We Work With
With in-depth industry knowledge in predictive maintenance and production quality assurance, we empower manufacturers with custom ML-based solutions to reduce downtime and optimize operations.
Machine learning in insurance
Build efficient AI solutions for churn prediction, price optimization, personalization, and fraud detection. With Intelliarts, enhance your technology strategy transformation and provide a better user experience to your customers.
Energy & Utilities
Energy & Utilities
As a trusted tech partner in the energy and utilities industry, we deliver full-cycle software development to help organizations build complex energy management systems, asset monitoring, and output management software.
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Use your consumer data, web analytics, and marketing data to target customers, forecast sales, and drive automation. We deliver the best solutions for making data-driven decisions and increase productivity of your marketing and sales teams.
Any Other Industry
Any Other Industry
Coming from another domain? We can apply our broad expertise and diverse technical skills to solving business challenges in your specific industry. Start planning your next digital transformation steps, allocate resources better, and improve operations.

Our Success Stories

Tech consulting services for Dorel
We provided technology consulting services to release the second version of a baby monitoring app and make the product more sustainable and scalable.
Learn how we helped the company grow the app rating from 3 to 4.5 stars in one year.
Automated content localization system for HubSpot
The Intelliarts team built the IT system that ensures regular, proactive monitoring and localization of the content being published on the HubSpot platform in a total of 12 languages.
Read how the location system we created allowed the customer to eliminate the need for professional translators and save costs.
All-purpose big data pipeline for DDMR
Intelliarts tackled the development of an end-to-end data pipeline for a data marketplace company, helped to process large datasets, and transform them into actionable insights.
Discover how DDMR multiplied their annual revenue a few times at the time of cooperation with Intelliarts.
Processing and analysis of extensive IIoT data for optiMEAS
We created a tech solution for centralized data storage, processing, and visualization to get value from massive amounts of data collected from IIoT and edge devices.
Find out how we helped optiMEAS translate volumes of data into valuable business insights.
Our Tech Expertise
Big Data
Designing quality systems for collecting, storing, and analyzing data to help companies get valuable insights from tons of data produced
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ML Development
Applying deep learning and machine learning expertise, from scientific research to prototyping to modeling to help businesses tap into unseen market segments
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Data Science
Taking care of all kinds of full-cycle data science projects to help partners make predictions better, enhance optimization, and make decisions data-driven
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IoT Solutions
With skilled IoT/IIoT experts on board, helping partners create data-rich custom software, optimize performance, and get control over mission-critical equipment
Our Tech Expertise
Big Data
Designing quality systems for collecting, storing, and analyzing data to help companies get valuable insights from tons of data produced Learn more
ML Development
Applying deep learning and machine learning expertise, from scientific research to prototyping to modeling to help businesses tap into unseen market segments Learn more
Data Science
Taking care of all kinds of full-cycle data science projects to help partners make predictions better, enhance optimization, and make decisions data-driven Learn more
IoT Solutions
With skilled IoT/IIoT experts on board, helping partners create data-rich custom software, optimize performance, and get control over mission-critical equipment

What Customers Say about Intelliarts

Intelliarts’ work is amazing. Thanks to their help, we’ve been able to process hundreds of terabytes of data per day. We’ve definitely seen an increase in our revenue since we started working with them.

Jawad Laraqui

Experience working with Intelliarts
Christian Rodriguez CEO & Co-Founder
Dorel: Technology consulting and baby monitoring app development

Intelliarts delivered tech consulting services to release the second version of a baby monitoring application. We:

  • Made the app more stable, and sustainable
  • Solved the problem of product non-scalability
  • Increased the rating from 3 to 4.5 stars on App Store and Google Play
  • Added night vision, sharing feature, and access levels

They treat everyone with respect and instill the sense of ownership into their developers, which is the quality we value the most in our internal and external developers.

Eleonora Ludin
Director of Engineering @HubSpot

Experience working with Intelliarts
Dmytro Pishchukhin CTO
Dell EMC: Building an automated translation portal

Under the guidance of Intelliarts specialists, the company successfully implemented a translation portal, which:

  • Helped to reduce the time spent on one translation from 5-20 minutes to a few seconds
  • Added an ability to keep track of the translation status
  • Made it possible to translate many documents in parallel

Overall, we’re comfortable with Intelliarts. We know that whatever they work on will be high value, which matters most.

Frank Miller
President @Ryffine

Predictive maintenance for EV chargers

Intelliarts performed detailed data analysis to help an EV charging company to:

  • Reduce downtimes and maintain their stations in top condition
  • Provide deep insights into the equipment behaviors of EV chargers
  • Recommend on data quality and quantity improvements
  • Prepare data for building a predictive maintenance solution
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